Message from CEO

Here’s to Japan, the country where I believe that the gods reside. Here, praying for a good harvest means anticipating a quality rice crop that we also thank farmers for producing. It is from this rice that Sake is brewed.
We strive to make OMIKI (Sacred Sake) as an offering to the gods and also as a sacred drink that has a vital role in Japanese food culture that we also share with our customers. Our “eternal and immutable” pursuit of the finest Sake is also a contribution to the needs of diversifying diets with a native Japanese flavor. We cherish the bounty of the earth, we are grateful to God and Buddha, and we strive to live up to the philosophy of Sampo Yoshi. Thank goodness for all three.
Seiichiro Ota, CEO of Ota Sake Brewing Co., Ltd.
- Company name
- Ota Sake Brewing Co., Ltd.
- Seiichiro Ota
- Locations
- Headquarters3-10-37 Kusatsu City Shiga 525-0034
- Tokyo Branch2-13-1 Senju Sakuragi Adachi-ku Tokyo 120-0045
- Nada Chiyoda Brewery2-1-7 Fukae Minami-machi Nada-ku Kobe City Hyogo 658-0022
- Ritto Winery1507-1 Arahari Asagarano Ritto City Shiga 520-3003
- Established
- 1874
- Business
- Sake, Shochu, Wine, Brandy, Liquar Manufacture and Sales/Joint Development/Consignment production
- Tel
- +81 77 562 1105
- Fax
- +81 77 564 0046

Sake brewing began in the early Meiji era, 150 years ago.
During the reign of the third shogun, Iemitsu Iemitsu, his grandson Masanaga Ota, the sixth in descent from Lord Dokan, moved from the Echizen Fukui domain to Omi Kusatsu by shogunate order, and while performing official duties as the Kusatsujuku government office, served as a “kakushimetsuke” (a secret agent to investigate the movements of the feudal lords) in the background until the end of the Edo period. After the Meiji Restoration, our Sake brewing activities began in 1874, and have continued to this day.

Establishment of Ota unlimited partnership
Establishment of Tokyo Factory
Obtained sake license
Tokyo Factory: Licensed to manufacture shochu (Kou-type shochu)
Tokyo Factory: Licensed to manufacture alcohol for raw materials
Tokyo Factory: Construction of plant to produce alcohol for raw materials
Nada Factory: Land acquisition
Acquisition of Tanaka Brewery
Licensed to produce fruit wine and sweet unripe fruit wine
Factory at Headquarters: Began production of fruit wine
Nada Factory: Factory construction and Started sake brewing
Ota Sake Brewery Co., Ltd. established by taking over business rights from Ota Gomei Kaisha, Ltd.
Alcohol production suspended due to Tokyo Government factory pollution ordinance
Completed construction of Ritto Factory Began production of fruit wine
Welcomed Imperial Highness Prince and Princess Kuninomiya at the Headquarters
Ritto Factory: Brandy production (2 distillation kettles completed)
Heardquarters: DOKAN Brewery completed
Headquarters: FUJIKURA Brewery completed
Ritto Factory: Winery completed
Began production of sparkling wine
Completed complete reconstruction of the headquarters
“Nada no Kiippon” will be sold as a member of 9 companies of Nada Sake Project